Breastfeeding: Mistakes We’ve All Made & How You Can Avoid Them!


No Judgment here, Mama. We Have All Been There And Done That. Let Us Share Some Mistakes We Learned, So You Don’t Have To!

In a world where mom shaming is a VERY real thing, we are NOT about that. Fed is best, what works for one does not work for the other, and frankly, we’re grateful we are able to provide for our kids (in whichever way) in a world where thousands are not. If you do breastfeed, here are a few tips, tricks, and warnings! Being a mom is not a walk in the park, or a jog, or a sprint…or a marathon, it’s the never-ending track, we just want to help you keep going sans mastitis.  

We think it’s safe to say that breastfeeding is one of the most challenging parts of motherhood for many women. It is often this expectation that since it is so natural, that it will also be that natural. Not even close.

The most common complaint from women during the breastfeeding period is they were not prepared for the physical and mental process of breastfeeding. Let me explain.

The actual time that will be committed to learning how to breastfeeding, actually breastfeeding each time, pumping (if you decide to add this), establishing and maintaining your supply is longer and harder than any mom assumes during pregnancy.

New mothers have the tendency to do a few things that can make their breastfeeding journey more difficult, and ain’t nobody got time for that, so let’s talk.

Here are a few ways to avoid making breastfeeding harder on yourself.


Sitting back, hoping the baby latches themselves. Don’t do this! Be an active participant in your baby’s first few breastfeeds. Hold your own breast in a c-shape and guide your breast into baby’s mouth, direct your baby. For a proper “latch” have the nipple pointed to the roof the baby’s mouth, fully encompassing your entire nipple and bottom areola. This is where you rally your lactation consultants and doulas. Make the most of your time with them and schedule more time if needed. Check your insurance! This may be a covered benefit!


Not knowing the warning signs of hunger. FYI: the last sign of hunger is crying. There are a few key indications that the baby is getting hungry: rooting is one of them. This is when the baby is searching for something to suck on. They are awake, alert and aware.


Being impatient. This is so much easier said than done, especially with the hormone fluctuations. In fact, babies feed on average 10-12 times in the first few days of life. If these feeds aren’t going as well as you would like, you can imagine how impatient you might become..FAST. Try to know that you and your baby are learning this dance together. It takes time and it does get better! Repeat. After. Us. BREATHE! It takes two to tango…and to breastfeed!


Not asking for help. Take advantage of the lactation consultants, nurses and additional help you get while in the hospital. Ask questions, have them review your latch, your break of suction, your nipples, your colostrum supply. Definitely encourage your partner to assist you during breastfeeds by holding the babe’s head and adjusting your pillows, getting you water, and bringing you food. With time, you will become better with the whole process. Chances are, you will be exhausted in the hospital, so prepare while you’re pregnant and research lactation consultants that can come to you. After you are home, the situation at home is not like the hospital (adjusting hospital beds help ladies, but they don’t come home with us) and this is often key in getting a good routine started.


Telling yourself “you don’t have enough milk.” You won’t have massive ounces of milk in the beginning. Your milk hasn’t come in yet! Colostrum is what comes first. This is highly nutritious and calorie-dense. Do not belittle it those tiny drops, and remember, the babe’s stomach is also very small initially. Within a few days, this will transition to milk. You are NOT defective, and if you feel your supply is not sufficient, seek help, do NOT self-deprecate, none of us are created the same.


Giving up early. Think about the pregnancy, chances are it wasn’t rainbows and sunshine or overnight, so breastfeeding also takes time, keep on keeping on! This is way before a feeding schedule is established and well before many have a good grasp on milk supply and baby’s weight gain.


Not focusing on nutrition, enough. If your baby is getting their SOLE nutrition from you, wouldn’t it make sense that YOUR DIET is of the highest importance? Too many women focus on cutting calories instead of taking care of themselves. We get it. You are tired of extra rolls when you sit there and feed, or things jiggle in places like never before. Honestly, if you want to be successful and want your baby to be truly nourished, please don’t cut calories too soon. Your body will naturally find it’s correct weight if you focus on eating real food, as unprocessed as possible.  You don’t need to be perfect, but you do need to aim to eat well. Thanks to the magic of real food, eating with this mentality will help your body naturally adjust on its own.

Okay, that’s great, but what if I still can’t breastfeed?

We know that there are those who truly cannot breastfeed — whether it be because of a medical issue, because of adoption or other factors. Formula always gets this bad rep, but it is not. In fact, it deserves its own blog post and will come soon.  

Remember this, no amount of milk should cause you to sacrifice your mental health and/or relationships. There will always be an alternative opinion in parenting and motherhood. In the meantime, do what is best for you and your family. We trust you, after all, you did create a human. In the meantime, keep pushing through momma. Cheering you on!

Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers

Check out the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers, designed by pediatric sleep experts, this app guide you step by step to get your baby (and you) sleeping better!

 The Smart Sleep Coach app is a revolutionary tool for parents looking to improve their baby's sleep. One of the standout features of this sleep coach is its ability to create an automated, personalized sleep schedule for your baby. This is done by using data from your baby's sleep patterns, as well as information about their age and development.

In addition to the personalized sleep schedule, the Smart Sleep Coach also offers customized sleep plans based on your baby's specific needs. This is especially useful for parents who are struggling to get their baby to sleep through the night, or who are looking for ways to improve their baby's sleep quality.

But the benefits of the Smart Sleep Coach don't stop there. The app also provides a wealth of information about sleep and child development, all presented in an easy-to-understand way. This includes tips for improving sleep habits, information about different sleep stages, aIn addition to its innovative features and wealth of information, the Pampers Smart Sleep Coach has also proven to be extremely effective for thousands of families. With a 5-star rating from its users, it is clear that the app has helped many parents improve their baby's sleep.

The Pampers Smart Sleep Coach has also proven to be extremely effective for thousands of families. With a 5-star rating from its users, it is clear that the app has helped many parents improve their baby's sleep.

Whether you are a new parent trying to establish healthy sleep habits from the start, or an experienced parent looking for ways to improve your baby's sleep, the Smart Sleep Coach is a valuable resource. Its personalized approach and easy-to-understand information make it a standout choice for anyone looking to improve their baby's sleep.

If you are struggling with your baby's sleep, we highly recommend giving the Pampers Smart Sleep Coach a try. Its proven track record and satisfied users make it a smart choice for any parent looking to give their baby the best possible start in life.


Mama Of The Month